How I intend to go forward

I don’t blog enough. I really need to change that. To attempt to facilitate that, I am letting my Tumblr blog die. I had started it as a place to talk about books I was reading and things like that. I’m not sure why I thought that had no place on my writer’s blog.

After all, the kinds of things I like to read influence what I write. Not directly. But, the two are related. My favorite books have elements that are also the kinds of things I like to write. I’m a sucker for a good love story. Hopeless romantic, and all. And Fantasy is my favorite genre. And every story I write has some kind of magic and a love story as at least a subplot. Love and magic is my happy place.

So, there are a couple posts I’ve already posted on Tumblr that I’m going to copy over here. And I’m going to keep using this blog to talk about what I’m reading. Or what I’m watching. Expect some talk of The Originals. I’m currently marathoning it, and I know I will have things to say once I get into the last season. (I already have a tribute to one of my favorite characters writing itself in my head.) I’ll probably have things to talk about before then, too.

Oh, I’ll still have my random posts about whatever other topic I happen to find worth writing about at that moment. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.

But, it is past my bedtime. And I’m running on three hours of sleep. And I’m probably not entirely coherent. Tomorrow I’ll post the first of my crossover posts.