Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×06

Vampire book club

Everything about this clip is just gold. The passive-aggressive banter between Elijah and Klaus. Elijah’s apparent actual concern about the carpet. THE WAY ELIJAH LOOKED AT HAYLEY WHEN SHE WALKED PAST, OMG. Hayley taking out ice cream and something else unhealthy for breakfast, and Elijah just casually putting it back and making her a bowl of cereal and glass of orange juice. Rebekah casually telling them to “add bleach” to the grocery list – and then equally casually dragging a dead body out the door. “Who do we have to kill?” “Probably no one.” Beat. “Okay, potentially everyone.” And Hayley’s smile at that.

Hayley starts being affected by the cursed needle

Have I mentioned how much I love the friendship between Hayley and Rebekah? Those two are too much fun together. And Rebekah’s concern for Hayley is so heartwarming. And then there’s Klaus’s reaction to finding out that the witch who did this is the same one who cursed Sean. I honestly believe that his wanting Agnes dead is as much for Cami’s sake as for the baby’s.

“Just focus on the sound of my voice”

Oh, be still my Haylijah-shipping heart. I don’t remember when I started shipping them the first time I watched this show. But, if it wasn’t at the end of the last episode, then it was this scene, right here. Elijah just jumps into the pool in his suit to take care of Hayley. The way he holds her. The quote I’m tagging this scene with. JUST LOOK AT THE WAY THEY’RE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER IN THAT SCREENCAP. You almost expect them to kiss, right there in front of Sophie and Rebekah. This is the moment that Rebekah realizes that they have feelings for each other, too. Check out the look on her face.

But, there’s also more to it. Speaking of Rebekah’s expressions, there’s her obvious relief when the spell works and Hayley is safe. And the sheer joy Davina feels when she gets the spell to work. She doesn’t even know that she’s just saved a life. She’s just so happy and proud of herself and fricking adorable.

Elijah kills Agnes

Elijah is just such a badass in this scene. Scenes like this one are where the saying “beware the nice ones” come from. And Klaus knew. The moment Elijah said that he had promised that Agnes wouldn’t die at his brother’s hands. Look at his face. He knew in that moment that Elijah was using an exact words loophole, and was about to kill the witch himself.

This episode is my favorite so far. Haylijah is getting awfully hot for a couple that hasn’t even had their first kiss, yet. You can cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. The siblings are incredible. And that contrast between Elijah being so sweet and gentle with Hayley and then a total badass with Agnes. Damn, that man is sexy as hell!

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×05

Hayley insisting on going with Sophie to the bayou

I just love when Hayley is in a “I’m not taking shit from anyone” kind of mood. She’s so much fun. And the looks of resignation on Rebekah’s and Sophie’s faces – complete with Sophie rolling her eyes – were priceless. And then, it gets followed up with Rebekah’s call to Klaus. Which was hilarious on both sides. Just a fun little scene.

Elijah offering Davina Esther’s grimoires

Elijah being both honorable and manipulative at the same time is always entertaining. He is being manipulative as hell in this scene, and Davina can’t even see it. Because nobody expects it of him. He’s the honorable one. People tend to forget that while you can certainly trust him to keep his end of any bargain he makes, that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t arranged the terms of the deal so that he comes out ahead.

Elijah’s return

*Flails* Okay. So. First, we have more bonding between Rebekah and Hayley. Rebekah is obviously coming to care for Hayley on her own, not just for Elijah’s sake. That may still be more because of the baby than for herself, but still. Hayley is becoming family. And then Elijah walks in. The way he looks at Hayley… Even Klaus sees it. He is being welcomed home by his little sister, but he only has eyes for Hayley. To the point that when she walks out of the room, he ignores his siblings and follows her. And then isn’t at all upset when she slaps him, not only understanding that it was because she was worried about him, but seeming to be pleased about her concern. Ladies and gentlemen, Haylijah is ON.

What can I say? Elijah is back, Haylijah is on, the Mikaelson siblings are a united front, again. Let the games begin. Also, pray for me trying to come up with my favorite scenes from here until about the middle of season 4, because… it just gets better from here.




Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×04

Davina’s day out

Whatever else she may be, Davina is also a sixteen year old girl. And her scenes with Marcel and Cami during her day out exemplify that. For one day, she gets to not be this super-powerful witch under the protection of the leader of the local vampires. For one day, she gets to be a typical sixteen year old girl, just trying to have some fun. Marcel acting like an over-protective father, and Cami teasing her about the boy like an older sister just adds to the fun.

Elijah making Rebekah promise to take care of Hayley and the baby

I love Elijah’s concern for Hayley, here. Made even more interesting by what Rebekah didn’t catch. Klaus was almost an afterthought. Elijah’s concern is for Hayley and her baby. And note that every time he mentions the baby, it is in reference to Hayley. The fact that this baby is also Klaus’s is barely a consideration. And “she’s family now”… *Swoons*. Hayley may not be in the scene, but I think it counts as a Haylijah scene. Because Elijah is coming to care for her as a person.

Rebekah saving Hayley

First of all, these two are just badass. Second, I love the whole “girl power” vibe. But, mostly, I love Hayley and Rebekah as friends. It’s something we just don’t get to see enough of on the show. But, the two of them looking out for each other was awesome.

Hayley’s return after the witches attacked

So much beauty in this scene. Klaus’s concern for Hayley. The realization that the baby healed Hayley. Klaus’s reaction to that. Klaus wanting to kill Agnes for hurting Hayley and his child. Rebekah’s insinuation that Elijah just might make him get in line. The look on Hayley’s face when Rebekah said that Elijah asked for them to keep Hayley safe… Oh, that smile. That sweet, lovestruck smile… “I’ve gotcha love. I’ve got you.” Again, I have never shipped Klayley, but Klaus being sweet to Hayley still melts my heart, every time.

Elijah wakes up

Have I mentioned that Elijah is my favorite character? Because he is. So, there is no way that a list of my favorite scenes from this episode could be complete without his return. It’s short, and not much happens in it. But… Hell yes! Elijah is back!

This was a fun episode. I just love the way the characters interact with each other. And things are really starting to pick up in terms of plot.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×03

Klaus, Rebekah, and Hayley discussing the plan to get Elijah back

Where to begin? The sibling banter between Klaus and Rebekah is too much fun. Klaus bantering with Hayley the way he does with Rebekah even more so. This is the start of the sibling-like relationship they eventually develop and it is so cute. Plus, Hayley is starting to come into her own. This is the Hayley Marshall I come to love, she doesn’t take shit from anyone – not even the Original vampires who could end her in a heartbeat. Such a fun scene.

Rebekah stopping Sophie from finishing the locator spell

I can’t find a video of this scene. But, I love that even with Elijah basically being held hostage, Rebekah put Hayley and the baby first. Sophie was willing to keep trying, even with knowing that now she can be caught. But, Rebekah wouldn’t allow it, because if Marcel kills Sophie, Hayley dies too. And I have to love Auntie Rebekah looking out for her little nibling.

Hayley telling Klaus they’re having a girl

I kind of get a kick out of Hayley apparently using Elijah’s journals to get to know him. Even Klaus notices that she just seems drawn to him. But, what makes this scene one of my favorites is Klaus’s smile at the end. He’s just tickled at the thought of having a daughter. It’s so darn cute to watch Klaus start looking forward to being a father, not because of what this child might give him in terms of leverage and power – but just because he wants this baby.

So, there you go. There were other fun scenes, but I find myself more drawn to the scenes that are about the family dynamic.

Favorite scenes from The Originals Episode 1×02

Rebekah’s arrival

I love Rebekah. And the dynamic she has with Klaus is a lot of fun. Plus, the look on Klaus’s face when she says that he doesn’t have any friends. He looked genuinely hurt. The sibling banter between the two of them is a lot of fun. This also sort of counts as a Haylijah scene – it’s about as close as we’re going to get in this episode with Elijah daggered in a box in Davina’s attic. But, Rebekah telling Hayley that Elijah doesn’t break promises is Hayley’s first chance to see him through someone else’s eyes and get an idea of who he really is – and who would know him better than his baby sister?

“Whoever picks up this coin”

Josh is one of my favorite characters. And his introduction really sets up his character. His defining characteristic is loyalty. And we see it right here. He never made a move for that coin, and was genuinely hurt that his friend did. I have to laugh at the line about there not being much in the way of potential. Josh ends up Marcel’s right-hand man, and helps Hayley and Freya hold the city together during the years between seasons 4 and 5. Though, the irony of the promise of living forever makes me want to cry. Josh won’t see his 40th birthday. But, for now, I’m going to bask in his introduction and enjoy the start of his journey from “not much potential” to going out like the true badass he becomes.

Klaus finding out that Hayley almost aborted the baby

It’s like Rebekah says, all his bluster about not wanting the baby, but the minute Hayley admits to thinking of getting rid of it, he goes ballistic. Klaus became a father in this scene, and it was amazing. Also, the look on Hayley’s face when she realizes that Klaus wants the baby is priceless.

Klaus and Hayley bonding

I am team Haylijah, 100%. Have been ever since he first laid eyes on her. But, Hayley is having Klaus’s baby. And watching them bonding over their crappy childhoods and their hope for giving their child better than what they had is beautiful. And them making plans to take back New Orleans is awesome. This is where Hayley starts to become a Mikaelson and I am so here for it.

Episode 2 is when this show really started to take off for me. There were more scenes that I really liked, but these were just my top ones – and even then I ended up with four of them? Anyway, by the end of this episode, we have met most of the main players, and pretty much all of the ones who end up part of what I consider to be the “Mikaelson family”. The stage is set. And now the story can begin in earnest.

Favorite Scenes From The Originals Episode 1

Elijah meeting Hayley

Just check out the look on his face. All he can do is stare at her. Like she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He is obviously smitten with her. That is the look of a man thinking “I just met the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.” #Haylijah started right there, at their very first meeting.

Elijah asking Hayley how she feels about becoming a mother

And now it’s Hayley’s turn to look all starry-eyed. But, more to the point, this is them bonding. The first clip is the beauty of love at first sight. This one is them actually getting to know each other. Elijah’s concern for her, not as the mother of his brother’s child, but as a person, is lovely to watch.

And there it is. The start of one of the most epic love stories ever on television. Seriously, my goal as a writer is to some day have people that care as much about Catie and Eli as I do about Hayley and Elijah.

Restarting… Again…

Okay! I am horrible at this. But! I have a new plan. And it’s… pretty similar to my LAST plan. I intend to start blogging book reviews. And try to write coherent commentary on whatever I’m watching. And try to be better about keeping y’all updated on what I’m working on. So, first of all, today, a bit a breakdown of my plan.

This is going to be a bit of a public diary/accountability tool.

I have committed to a thing called Dectheshelves. Basically, a bunch of us are each buying a book a day the first 25 days of December from Indie authors. I want to read at least those 25 books and write reviews of them during 2019.

I have also decided to do a half-milwordy in 2019. I have the never-ending revision of Sangue Collina Book 1 that I intend to at least have ready to send to editors and beta readers by my birthday (Which is July 1). I also want to get first drafts of both Sangue Collina Book 2 and a fantasy novel I’m going to be writing as the project for a writing class I’m taking. Between that and my fanfiction, and counting my blog posts, 1,370 words a day should be doable.

I’m on a mission to get myself more organized. So, trying to clean/organize and stuff. Hopefully, the accountability posts on that will not be needed for very long. I am also trying to lose weight. So, there will be a bit of an exercise log in there, too.

Format for the daily accountability posts will be:

  • Yesterday’s final word count, and running totals for the month and year
  • A bit of discussion about what writing I worked on the day before
  • A quick note on whether I stayed in my calorie budget, my step count, and exercise log
  • A quick note on which book I’m reading, and where I’m at in it.

What is complicating this a bit is that there will be days when I post up to three blog posts in one day. Which makes me wonder if I’m going to end up annoying the tar out of people. But, there will be my daily accountability post; possibly a commentary on whatever I’m watching, or something of that sort; and possibly a book review.

Anyway… Speaking of commentary on what I’m watching… I’m seriously wanting to do ANOTHER marathon of The Originals. One episode a day. And blog my favorite scenes from each episode and why I love them. Mostly, these will be my favorite Haylijah moments. Because, 12 Monkeys may have claimed the top spot as my favorite tv show of all time, but… as much as I love Cassie and Cole, Hayley and Elijah are still my OTP.

Technically, this is basically my New Year’s Resolutions list. But, I’ll probably be starting at least part of it, today. Which means, I’ll probably be back tonight with a discussion about Episode 1 of The Originals.