Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×22

Klaus feels Hope kick

Klaus and Hayley are just adorable, here. I’ve said it before, but I just love watching them bonding and getting ready to be coparents. And that look of pure joy on Klaus’s face when he feels the baby move is priceless. It is so obvious that he already adores that child. Klaus as a father is seriously the most adorable thing ever.

Davina collecting Klaus’s blood

I’m going to have to come back and add this after I play with my video editor. (I have plans to add all of the scenes I currently don’t have, now that I have a way to make them, myself). But, between Davina being a bit of a badass, Josh being unintentionally hilarious, and just… their friendship, I love this scene. I love these two together. And this scene shows the best of both of them, so well.

Elijah finds Klaus and Hayley

This scene makes me cry. The obvious grief of both men. How downright defeated Elijah is. There are genuine tears in Klaus’s eyes. And the look on Elijah’s face when Klaus holds his wrist out. Like he doesn’t even comprehend what his brother is trying to do. My heart just breaks for them.

“Don’t make me choose”

Another one I have to come back for. But, poor Davina. It’s easy to forget, sometimes, that beneath that power, she’s a sixteen year old girl. I mean, my first scene of her this episode is her being a total badass. But, here she is, in tears, begging the man who has become like a father to her not to make her choose between him and her best friend. And I am crying, too.

And then it’s Marcel’s turn to be a badass. Getting ready to face down Klaus again, while sporting a werewolf bite of his own. But, determined to save his guys. This is why I love Marcel so much when he’s not being horrifically antagonistic to the Mikaelsons. He doesn’t just demand loyalty from his guys – he gives as good as he gets.

Marcel saves Hope

Not the best quality. I’ll be redoing the video portion of this. But, I love this scene so much. Marcel being every bit the badass he is, and using the weapon meant for Klaus to kill Monique and protect Hope. Monique may have only been 16, and so a kid herself, but Hope is just a baby – and, no matter how things may be between him and Klaus at any given moment, his sister. Those witches fucked with all the wrong people when they went after Hope. And then we get to Klaus finally meeting his daughter. Klaus as a father is a sight to behold. That look of wonder on his face, the love shining in his eyes. Baby girl already has Daddy wrapped quite tightly around that little finger of hers.

To say nothing of the beauty of the scene between Klaus and Marcel. Watching them mend the rift between them is amazing. And, I can’t help but laugh at Klaus asking for permission to hold his own child.

(One question, though. Where the heck did the onesie come from? Ain’t nobody had time to dress this child, even if they HAD a shirt available for her.)

Davina and Mikael

While I hate that she actually brought him back, and wonder what her reaction would have been if Josh had been one of the vampires he killed, I do have to give Davina props for her little addition to the spell. This is Davina being a badass again. She has Mikael, the one person that even Klaus fears, completely at her mercy and under her power. And what does this little sixteen year old witch do? Makes him kneel. You go, girl.

Klaus gives Hope to Rebekah

I just love how Rebekah is the one person that Klaus trusts to protect Hope. I always love the relationships between the siblings. How, no matter how much they may fight, when the chips are down, they know they can count on each other. Always and forever. And that’s without even getting into his tenderness with Hope, or the fact that he’s crying while saying goodbye to his daughter. Just a beautiful scene.

Wow! Season 1 really went out with a bang. This episode was intense. Not much humor, except the one bit with Josh. But, I love me some angst, and family moments, and this episode was full of both of them. There were actually more scenes that I loved. This is another episode where a full list of my favorite scenes would pretty much be the entire episode. This may actually be my favorite episode of season 1, the episode with them all trapped in the cemetery being such a close second that I’m actually not sure which of them is my favorite.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×21

Davina tries to send Josh away

Can’t find a clip of this (there’s always one). But I love how Davina is so concerned about Josh. Their friendship is one of my favorite things about this show. Seriously, the purest and least toxic relationship of ANY kind in the entire TVD universe, and I am always here for it. And this part, right here, where Davina is trying to put Josh first is not quite a perfect mirror for the “don’t hold back” scene earlier in the season, but it’s pretty close.

Klaus and Elijah find Jackson

Much as I would have loved for Jackson to die here and save us all the heartache that is season two, this scene was a lot of fun. Mainly for the brotherly banter between the Mikaelsons. Because I DO love their banter and snark to snark combat. And Klaus suggesting they LET Jackson die to get him out of the way for Haylijah is kind of hilarious. Don’t anyone try to tell me he didn’t ship them. And then there’s Elijah getting slightly snarky with HAYLEY, and showing off that dry wit of his.

“You will always have a choice”

Here we go! This scene combines two of my favorite things: Haylijah, and a good “just shut up, already” kiss. This is my favorite Haylijah kiss for that reason. And you know that that kiss was Elijah’s way of saying everything Hayley wanted him to say, even before that beautiful line. Pardon me while I swoon.

Elijah takes on Marcel’s army

Oh my Gods! Elijah is just so damn HOT in this scene! I think it can be easy to forget just how much of a badass he is, because Klaus is usually the one doing the fighting. But, Elijah is seriously the living embodiment of the saying “beware the quiet ones”. Because when HE gets pissed and goes all out… look out! And he does it all in a freaking suit, and doesn’t get so much as a hair out of place. And you KNOW that every drop of blood on him at the end of that was someone else’s. Those little baby vamps didn’t stand a CHANCE. Elijah may be quiet and noble, but… you don’t fuck with his family.

I’m kind of on the fence about this episode. A lot of plot-relevant stuff happens in it, which is good. And of course any episode that includes a Haylijah kiss is a good episode. But, for some reason, other than the scenes I’ve included here, not much of it really GRIPPED me. But, I got some Davina and Josh being cute, some WONDERFUL snarkiness from Klaus and Elijah, my absolute favorite Haylijah kiss, and Elijah being a badass. So, not a BAD episode, just… not one of my FAVORITES, either.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×20

Keiran’s funeral

Can’t find a clip of this. But, everything about it. From the way all of the factions came together to pay their respects to the man who probably did more to hold that city together than anyone else, to Leah Pipes’s beautiful acting and how we could just FEEL Cami’s pain. Add in some snarky brotherly banter between the Mikaelson men, because these two can’t go five minutes without snarking at each other, and it was a really nice scene.

“I was going to say you look lovely”

Both Elijah’s and Klaus’s concern for Hayley. Her snarky answer when Elijah asks if she’s okay. His comment. The “suuurrreee that’s what you were going to say” look she gives him, and his self-satisfied smirk like he actually thinks she bought that. More banter between all three of them (I tell you, I live for the snarky banter on this show, it’s seriously a toss-up between that and squee-worthy Haylijah moments). GENEVIEVE, of all people, being the first to notice that there’s something wrong with Hayley, and then actually HELPING them with her. Elijah’s panic. I would imagine that it would take a lot to scare Elijah Mikaelson, and this is TERRIFYING him.

Hayley’s near death experience

Picks up right where the last clip leaves off. I love pretty much everything about this scene. Genevieve still helping to save Hayley, Klaus being willing to do ANYTHING to save his child. Yes, that included letting Hayley die, but baby steps. He’s trying to at least be a father, here. Give the man some credit. Hayley’s confrontation with Mikael. The way, when she thought she was dead, she didn’t even care for herself – it was the idea that the baby had joined her that had her a wreck. (Which also brings it back to the fact that if Genevieve hadn’t been able to save her, she would have WANTED Klaus to rip the baby out of her, so he may have been a bit premature, but he really was doing the right thing.) And then there’s Elijah. Calm, stoic Elijah THROWING THINGS when he thought they had lost her. Does anybody really have any doubts anymore that this is more than just an attraction? Can you really doubt that this man is completely in love with her? “I won’t lose either of them.” *Swoons*

Klaus shows Hayley the baby’s room

While I am 100% team Haylijah and always have been, and have never shipped Klayley, as I’ve said before, they ARE having a child together. Watching them bonding over that, and preparing to be co-parents is always sweet and fun. It is obvious that they do love each other, in a way. It just never quite compares to Hayley and Elijah’s feelings for each other, and definitely evolves into a more brother-sister relationship. But, this scene is adorable.

Hayley and Elijah kiss

It’s about damn fucking time! We’d been waiting for this moment for fourteen bloody episodes! But, it was worth the wait. I could watch these two kiss all day. Not sure what that says about me.

There you go. The factions all coming together to honor a great man. Snarky brotherly banter between Elijah and Klaus. Hayley being a badass. Klaus being sweet. Elijah showing a side of himself that we’ve never seen before. And Haylijah being adorable and swoon-worthy.

Next episode has my FAVORITE Haylijah kiss, though. *Squeals* I can’t wait.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×19

Let me start by saying that it looks like having actual clips for most of these scenes is going to be impossible. There seem to be very few clips from this episode on Youtube, at all. A fact that I discovered while looking for my first favorite scene. Which… I can’t find.

Klaus and Elijah talking about Esther’s grimoire

Brotherly banter. Elijah being the king of snark. Next to Haylijah yumminess, my two favorite things on this show. And, not only is Elijah being the king of snark, he’s doing it by scolding his “naughty” little brother for being foolish. I just love it to pieces, and really wish I could find a clip of it.

Elijah talks to Hayley, Jackson, and Oliver about their deal with Klaus.

Starting with Eve’s comment about how she somehow doesn’t think that Hayley is really going to have to do the whole parenting thing alone – as Elijah walks in. Because she knows, no matter where Klaus might stand on things, Elijah will be there for Hayley. Will help her raise her baby. I hate the whole Hayley conspiring with Jackson and Oliver against everyone else plotline. But, the way Elijah looks at Hayley in this scene. The way he reminds her that she not only signed that treaty, but she looked him in the eye while doing it… That tone of voice… He’s not angry with her. He’s HURT. He trusted her, was proud of her, and he feels like she betrayed him. And there is just something so bittersweet and almost beautiful in that. I’m probably not making much sense, but that’s how I feel about it.

After the explosion

First, there’s Elijah’s concern. Mostly for Hayley, but for the other wolves, too. He cares about these people almost as much as Hayley does. Whether that’s because they’re HER people, him just being a good person, some combination, or what. Yes, he would have dropped everything, possibly even let them die, if she had been hurt and needed him. But, he helped them, all of them. And, then there is Hayley taking charge. Eve was right, she is a natural born leader. An Alpha to her core. And is a total badass in this scene.

Hayly confronts Marcel

I can’t find a clip of this one. But, it’s an interesting scene. Actually, an interesting pair of scenes. Because it really starts with her confronting Diego to find out where Marcel is. She is just such a badass in that scene. And I love how none of the vampires lift a finger against her. Question is, is that because she’s pregnant, or because of what she learns during her confrontation with Marcel, himself? Namely, that she was one of the kids Marcel has saved. But, it kills me how it doesn’t click with her that Marcel would never just send a bomb like that. Marcel doesn’t hurt kids. Period. Marcel doesn’t even stand for kids being hurt by someone else on his watch. I love Hayley, but she can be so STUPID sometimes.

There were other scenes I liked. But, most of them were too short to really count as scenes. Overall, though, I really liked this episode. I mean, there are times I want to smack certain characters. But, that doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of the episode. Just, little (and not so little) things that I wish had been done differently. Like… Elijah should have ignored Oliver and given Eve his blood. Eve liked Elijah. She knew that he was one of the good guys. Even seemed to approve of the attraction between him and Hayley. I don’t think she would have “rather died” than have him save her. But, that’s Elijah, being too damned noble for anybody’s good. And it was perfectly in character. So, nothing to really complain about. All in all, a solid episode.

But! Next episode… I am looking forward to next episode.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×18

Genevieve asking to be able to have a feast day

This clip is the closest I could find to what I was looking for. But, I love it. First of all, have I mentioned how sexy Elijah is when he’s dressed down? And then, I just love all the banter, snark, and sarcasm from both Mikaelson brothers. So much fun. And, of course, Hayley gets brought up. Because Klaus and Elijah can’t go five minutes without one of them bringing her up.

Elijah inviting the werewolves to the festival

Honestly, I like this more for Hayley and Elijah’s interaction than anything else. If only they had remembered how Elijah doesn’t trust Jackson later on. If only they had remembered that he always seemed to have an ulterior motive. Oh well. Elijah trying to look out for Hayley will always make me smile.

Jackson tells Hayley about the alliance with Klaus

Hayley taking charge and basically beating the shit out of Oliver is awesome. She’s starting to come into her own as a pack Alpha, and it’s really kind of beautiful to watch. Anyway, I just love when Hayley gets to be a badass. And when it’s against Oliver and Jackson, it’s just that much better. I wish I could find a clip that was just that scene, but… I take what I can get.

The start of the witches’ festival

First of all, there’s nothing like a party in New Orleans. But, really… I just love how proud Davina looks. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that whatever else she may be, she’s a sixteen year old girl who has had a VERY rough year. Getting to see her relax a little and have fun is always a joy

Elijah escorts Hayley into the party

*Flails* Just look at how happy he is to see her! The man cannot stop smiling. Just from the fact that Hayley came to this party. That is all. Just… that smile…

Davina opens her gift

I just love any scene where Josh and Davina get to be just two kids together. Their friendship is so pure and beautiful. And the joy on both of their faces when they realize that Klaus not only has pardoned Josh, but that his gift to Davina is for Davina to be able to make Josh a Daylight Ring – complete with him giving them a ring to use – is just… They are so freaking adorable.

Elijah kills Thierry

Let me just be clear. I love Thierry, and was sorry to see him go. But, anytime Elijah gets to be a badass, I am all for it. And this is Elijah completely pissed off. Now, consider that his first concern after the attack was Hayley, kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Having something to say about Marcel trying to destroy the alliance is one thing. This savagery, though… THAT is all the thought that Hayley could have been killed. You do not fuck with Hayley Marshall, not unless you want to deal with Elijah Mikaelson.

Klaus and Cami; Elijah watches Hayley

So much going on in these couple minutes. Klaus admitting to being jealous over Cami. I have always shipped these two. So, any time they get to interact, I am here for it. And just… Elijah… “What I want is for that girl to be happy.” Sappy lovesick fool. But, dammit! He flat-out told Klaus that he’s through burying his feelings for her. He should have taken Eve’s invitation. Sigh… But, just the way he looks at Hayley. How proud he is of her. Everything.

I liked this episode. It might not be near the top of the list of my all-time favorites, but it certainly wasn’t near the bottom, either. A party, some Haylijah yumminess, Elijah and Hayley both getting to be badasses, Davina and Josh getting to be cute teenagers, the Mikaelson brothers getting to be snarky, and Klaus taking a step on his redemption arc. Good episode, in general.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×17

Hayley confronts Elijah about the treaty

There are a lot of reasons for why I love this scene. Elijah taking charge is always fun. The man can be sexy as Hell, sometimes. But, it’s also kind of funny in some places. His reaction to Kieran, for starters. And then there’s Hayley, storming in like the werewolf Alpha that she is. And she gives Elijah one heck of a piece of her mind. (Though, it’s scenes like this one that get me even more pissed at how things went down in the aftermath of Freya’s pendant, but… a bitch session for another time.) I also love how he wants her to move back to the compound. I honestly don’t think it’s really as much about keeping the baby safe as she thinks. I think that part of it is just wanting her nearby. Not for safety but… to have her close.

Cami walks in on Klaus and Genevieve

Cami’s snark and no-nonsense attitude here crack me up. I love how this human woman has no trouble standing up to the vampires, the witches, the werewolves. And can we just talk about Klaus’s smirk? Conceited jerk is enjoying having these women fight over him. But, I think he also just likes Cami’s snark, too. Girl can hold her own with the best of them, and I think that is one of the things Klaus comes to love about her.

Elijah’s party

In all honesty, I love everything about the party. It’s just so much fun, in general. But, this clip does a good job of exemplifying why. First we get Elijah and Hayley just having fun, together. It’s always a treat to watch Hayley bring out Elijah’s more playful side. Then there is just the way he looks at her. (Another of my favorite parts of the party is where he’s talking to Francesca, and then he sees Hayley walk in and… *Swoons*) Granted, I wanted to smack Jackson. Rude much? Heaven forbid he wait until the song is over to talk to Hayley. No, he has to interupt their dance. Then again, that was probably the point. He was jealous that Elijah was spending time with the woman that was supposed to be his. Gods, I hate that man.

Ahem… Anyway… Elijah’s jealousy is cute. And, probably Hayley’s whole point. She wanted to make him jealous, get him to finally speak up. He comes so close (“I hope your daughter inherits her mother’s… everything” anyone? *Swoons some more.*) but can never bring himself to come right out and say what he’s thinking or feeling. You can tell when Jackson tells Hayley “I should have told you how beautiful you look” that he’s thinking “actually, I should have told her that.” Poor lovesick fool that just can’t spit the damn words out… sigh.

And then we get Hayley once again in full-on Alpha mode. I love when Hayley takes charge almost as much as I do when Elijah does – though for slightly different reasons. I love the girl power, here. Not to mention that it shows how well matched those two are. But, yeah. Hayley jumping in and being a badass – while hugely pregnant, no less – is always fun.

And let’s not forget Klaus’s reaction. Klaus’s snark is always fun.

Josh and Davina

Can’t find a clip of this one (I swear, there’s always one…) but the scene where Josh talks to Davina is lovely. There is just so much love and acceptance, there. Their friendship is seriously one of the best parts of the show, and they are far too cute, together. But, more than that, is the actual speech he gives her. Found family is one of my favorite tropes, and here’s Josh, pointing out that he and Davina have that. No, he can never go “home” again, but that’s okay. Because New Orleans is home now. And he reminds Davina that if the witches don’t want her, that doesn’t mean that she’s alone. He reminds her that family is more than blood. And that he and Marcel are her family. And I just love it, so much.

Signing the treaty

Well, Hayley certainly earned her place at that table during the party scene, didn’t she? And, of course, we have the way Elijah looks at her as she’s signing. The sheer pride in knowing that she’s the real reason they’re all here. I love it.

And then, interspersed with that is a scene I had totally forgotten about. Jackson and Oliver. Dear Gods, how I hate both of them. My issues with Jackson had been his relationship with Hayley. Because I forgot about this scene. I forgot how, while Hayley is signing the treaty as the representative for the werewolves, Jackson and Oliver were conspiring to take down everything she and Elijah were trying to build. I really wish that Klaus would have just killed this jackass and been done with it ages ago…

I really liked this episode. It might not be one of my absolute faves, but it’s fun. Cami and Klaus both get to be snarky. Elijah and Hayley both get to be badasses. We get to see a hint of Elijah’s more playful side. Josh and Davina together is always a treat. And, if I’m being honest, anything that makes me hate Jackson more is actually a plus. Because, man do I hate that guy.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×15

Hayley threatens Celeste

Can’t find a clip of this. But, there is just something fun about Hayley with a shotgun threatening to kneecap a bitch if she doesn’t get what she wants. And, remember that Hayley is PREGNANT, here. She is such a badass, and I love her.

Cami feeding Klaus

First, we get that fun business with Elijah. He’s just so calm and nonchalant, and it’s kind of hilarious. And what he says about Cami… Seems that Haylijah isn’t the only couple the Mikaelsons themselves ship. Elijah sees how Klaus is coming to care for Cami and approves. And then we get Cami being her badass normal self, feeding Klaus from her own wrist like it’s nothing. I love it.

“You’re still weak”

I just love the banter between these two. Cami just doesn’t take any of Klaus’s shit, and it’s hilarious. So is the line “when your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you. It’s just a cute scene between two people I totally ship.

“Don’t become your father”

More of Cami being a badass. More Klamille, which I shipped almost as hard as I shipped Haylijah. I just love how every story he tells her, just makes her more sympathetic towards him. He shows her the worst of himself, and all she wants is to help him move past it. Yes, part of that is because she’s a shrink. But, you can tell that she genuinely cares about him. And it’s beautiful.

Elijah and Hayley

This is just such a beautiful moment. Celeste is right there, watching them. And Elijah damn well knows it. And doesn’t care. That tight hug. The way he cups her face. That sweet kiss on her forehead. Sigh… Yes, part of me was yelling at him to kiss her for real. But, that was just so sweet and tender and beautiful, that I can’t complain, too much.

This wasn’t a bad episode. Maybe not one of my favorites, but getting to see just how horrible and evil Mikael really is was interesting. Mainly, I just liked it for my two favorite girls getting to be badasses, and some great scenes of my two favorite ships.

Favorite scene from The Originals episode 1×14

Hayley examining Elijah

First, we get Marcel and Elijah as men on a mission to try to find Klaus and Rebekah. Including Marcel’s slip “I want her back just as much as you do. Both of them.” Yes. Both of them – but especially Rebekah, right, Marcel?

And then… there is no good reason why Elijah called Hayley in to make that list. Marcel could have done it just as easily. Nope. Elijah wanted Hayley to do it. Hmm… was there a part of him imagining her hands on him, maybe? And Hayley’s reaction when she walked in the room… That stutter. That stare. She was very definitely liking what she saw. And who can blame her? Also, can we discuss the fact that Elijah was barking orders at Marcel, but Hayley got a “please”?

This is the scene that inspired my very first fanfiction. Because HOW they didn’t kiss here is beyond me. And, it remains one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.

Elijah and Marcel getting the death records from the mayor

This scene and the next one, I couldn’t find clips of. But, I just love how neither Marcel or Elijah are taking any shit. Watching them be their badass selves is always fun. That is all

Elijah and Marcel discussing the werewolves

Elijah’s usual snark is great, here. Then we get even MARCEL seeing that Elijah has feelings for Hayley. And Elijah threatening him. Because he’ll be damned if he’ll let ANYONE hurt Hayley. Though, can we talk about Marcel wondering how Klaus would react to finding out that Elijah left him to suffer while he went and saved Hayley? Why does everyone seem to forget the not-so-little detail of HAYLEY IS PREGNANT WITH KLAUS’S CHILD? If Elijah had rescued Klaus, and left Hayley – and the BABY – to die, Klaus would have killed him. Do they all really think that he cares so little for his own baby?

And then they “solve” the riddle. I love Elijah’s line, there: “I suppose we have our answer. Only I have no idea what it means.” His tone of voice there really sells it, too. (Though, MARCEL knows what it means…)

Marcel tells Elijah what he and Rebekah did

I can’t quite figure out why Elijah seems to not want Marcel to know what he and Hayley are talking about. But, I find it weirdly amusing. But, mostly, I just love Elijah’s attitude here. “How do you know?” His tone of voice, his expressions. The way he folds his arms, just waiting for Marcel to spill what he knows. It’s awesome.

Elijah strangling Marcel

Pissed off Elijah is always fun. And then we get Hayley’s “oh, here we go. This is not going to be good.” expression – and her resignation. And then Marcel goes and turns it around. Tells Elijah that he loves Rebekah, but as long as Klaus was around they couldn’t be together – and adds “but I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that, huh?” Everybody knows that he’s talking about Hayley. And Elijah lets him go, then. But not before lowering his eyes, like he’s thinking about something. Hmm… considering what lengths he’d be willing to go to be with Hayley, maybe? Maybe even admitting to himself that the baby was the least of the reasons why he saved Hayley instead of Klaus or Rebekah?

There we go. Some Haylijah yumminess, Elijah and Marcel being badasses, and Hayley just getting to the point where not much surprises her, anymore.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×13

Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel examine Papa Tunde’s body

This scene is funny as hell. Elijah is examining the body, and Klaus is getting all snarky, basically comparing him to Sherlock Holmes, asking if he wants a pipe or a magnifying glass. Marcel comments on how witches used to just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep when they wanted to send a message. And Elijah, king of snark, comes back with “it’s a rather large and ominous chicken, wouldn’t you say?” And then I died of laughter.

And then it segues right into another great scene

Elijah asking Rebekah to take Hayley to the plantation house

Elijah being so concerned for Hayley’s safety. The way he tells Rebekah that it’s because he trusts her that he’s asking her to do this. Because, yes, he is trusting Rebekah with the most precious thing in the world to him. “You know why.” Just… that line. We’ve gone beyond “it’s complicated” to him basically admitting to Rebekah that he’s in love with Hayley – added to when he comments on how he can’t control his feelings. And Rebekah telling him that maybe he should take Hayley himself. Now that the heat of the moment is over, and she’s no longer angry with him, she’s back to shipping Haylijah. I love it!

Well, this was certainly a short post. One other thing I want to comment on with this episode. Celeste comments on Elijah choosing to save Hayley over his own blood, and how “always isn’t forever, after all.” Just two problems with that assessment. One, Hayley is pregnant with Klaus’s child. Which means that she IS his own blood. By saving Hayley, he also saved HOPE. And two, he made exactly the choice that Rebekah and Klaus would have wanted him to make. That baby is the one thing that every last one of them would die for. Would Klaus have thanked Elijah for saving him, and leaving his child to die? Would Rebekah, whose one real wish is that she could have children, want to be saved instead of Hayley and the baby? Not to mention that whatever is happening to them, they can’t die. There is still time to save them. Hayley was the most vulnerable.

This was a decent episode, but nothing really stood out to me as being a particularly great scene after that bit near the beginning.

Tomorrow, though…. Next episode has the scene that inspired my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction. I will be doing a lot of flailing while watching that scene.

Favorite scenes from The Originals episode 1×12

Elijah apologizes to Hayley for “neglecting” her

I kind of like Hayley’s sass at the start of this scene. But, most of all, neither one of them came out and said the words, but… The subtext is definitely there. They just sort of told each other that they love each other. I may be reading into it a bit, but… It’s there on their faces. Elijah is afraid to say anything at all, and Hayley just says how much it sucks that they have to stay away from each other because of Klaus. But, the subtext is there, for all the world to see.

Flashback to Marcel coming home from the war

Cami is just adorable at the start of this scene. And I love how, when Marcel says that he kept trying to leave New Orleans behind, but “something kept pulling [him] back”, the camera focuses on Rebekah. Yeah, sure Marcel. Something kept pulling you back. More like some ONE did. And then we get treated to more brotherly banter between Klaus and Elijah, complete with Elijah being all snarky. I just love Elijah’s snark, man.

Elijah questions Thierry

Elijah in “beware the nice ones” mode is… if I’m being honest… sexy as hell. Hayley is just awesome in this scene. And I LOVE how, when Elijah tries to get her to stay behind, her response is that Rebekah is in trouble and she’s going. I LOVE the friendship between Hayley and Rebekah so much. They are adorable. And then Elijah doesn’t even try to argue, just tells her not to leave his sight. His need to protect her is just… *Flails*

Elijah and Hayley save Rebekah

The conversation with Sophie is hilarious. And I love how Klaus ran to Marcel’s rescue. But, the best part, is Hayley. She doesn’t even hesitate. Elijah needs her blood to save Rebekah, she holds out her wrist. No questions, no hesitations. She is awesome.

Elijah watching Hayley

It’s ridiculously short, less than a minute. But, just look at his face. And, for one second, he starts to move towards her, and then stops. He wants so badly to go to her. And I am just yelling “do it! Go to her! You know you want to!” But, of course he doesn’t. Because he is an idiot. Also, this scene makes me kind of angry at Rebekah. Yes, she was hurt about Elijah, once again, putting what is best for Klaus above what is best for her. But, she didn’t need to drag Hayley into that argument. I think that had she not given Elijah that line about how his feelings for Hayley were going to destroy the family, he would have gone to Hayley, here. So, yeah… pardon me while I smack Elijah and REBEKAH for a bit.

Weirdly enough, considering how many scenes I have on here, this is not really one of my favorite episodes. There were a lot of little things I liked. Every bloody time Elijah and Hayley were in the same room together, for starters. But, really, this episode was good for the relationships between Hayley and Elijah, and Rebekah and Marcel, but the rest I thought was kind of… meh. Didn’t much care for most of the plot, this episode. I was just here for the ships.