January 5 check-in

Word count: 257

Month total: 5,924

As you can see, I failed miserably, yesterday. Procrastinated far too much. Ended up only doing my check-in blog post for Friday and added a net 13 words to my fanfic. I did get that posted, though. So, there’s that. Made someone cry. Any day that you’re told that you made someone cry is a good day in a writer’s life.

Didn’t really get anything else done, either. Except go grocery shopping. At least got THAT done.

Step count: 9,122

And, in my defense, that step count is part of why I accomplished little else. Not the whole reason, as the party didn’t start until 5pm. But, my work’s Christmas party was yesterday. Had so much fun. Spent most of two and a half hours dancing. As much as I need more money than that place can give me, yesterday reminded me of why I’m going to miss it once I find something better. I love my coworkers so much. Don’t really like the JOB – I’m not sure that anyone particularly LIKES working retail, and an introvert working retail is just… Well, it’s not fun. But, I do love my coworkers. And even more so on nights like last night, where we can all just let our hair down and have fun.

So, yesterday may have been an abject failure in terms of my New Year’s resolutions, but it was a much-needed balm to my mental health. And I’ll take that trade-off.

Today I need to do another blog post, and then write the scene that was writing itself in my head this morning. And then whatever else I can do to get my word count for the day. I refuse to lower my yearly goal in the first week, dammit! I WILL catch up!

I have also discovered a book on organization specifically for people with ADD. I think I may buy that. Because it is right up my alley.

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